CTMH Really outdid themselves this time! They have not one, but TWO Campaigns going on this month and they are BOTH going to save you a lot of time AND money! Lets begin!

First off, how would like to become a consultant and not only get a discount on product, meet new friends, scrapbook for a job, and earn a little extra income? AND, have a chance to earn a FREE KIT!?!?! WOW! ALL THAT FREEEEE SCRAPBOOKING STUFF?!?!?! Well you can! ! !
CTMH says...
When a new Consultant joins Close To My Heart during February and achieves both levels of Straight To The Top (First month and first three months), they will receive Straight To The Top rewards totaling $100 US / $110 CAN in select product credit, PLUS they'll receive a cash rebate of $129/$140 on their New Consultant Kit. It's free products and a free kit—a fabulous deal!SIGN UP WITH CLOSE TO MY HEART HERE AND BE A PART OF MY TEAM!
Are you a Studio J Member? AWESOME!! Well, this month if you purchase 9 Studio J Layouts, you get your 10th one FREE! Yep, you heart me right!
CTMH Says...
Becoming a Studio J member is the perfect way to catch up on all of your scrapbooking while also getting access to exclusive content that will give you even more artistic options and flexibility. Studio J members have access to exclusive, members-only kits and patterns, allowing for even more creativity. On top of that, members get our best pricing of 50% off retail price that works out to be just US$3.25 / C$3.65 per page. It’s one of the best deals around! One of the best reasons to become a Studio J member is your exclusive access to high-resolution printable JPG files as well as low-res files perfect for emailing or posting on blogs or Facebook. Members also get free Memory Protectors® for each custom-printed two-page layout, as well as free shipping and handling on their monthly order (4 to 20 layouts in the continental US, 7 to 20 layouts in the non-continental US and Canada). With all of that, members still get exclusive promotions and deals throughout their membership!